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【聯合聲明】全球塑膠條約請納入台灣的聲音,條約內容應強化對非締約國及貿易的規範!Intergovernmental negotiations must include Taiwan’s voice, and the treaty should strengthen provisions on non-party countries and trade!







聯絡人:環境權保障基金會研究員 許博任

Statement from Residents and Civic Groups in Taiwan Affected by the Petrochemical Industry on Global Plastic Treaty Negotiations:

Intergovernmental negotiations must include Taiwan’s voice, and the treaty should strengthen provisions on non-party countries and trade!

We, the residents affected by pollution from the petrochemical industrial zones and civic groups concerned about the environment, health, and climate impacts of the petrochemical industry, come from Taiwan. 70% of Taiwan’s petrochemical products are exported; we import petrochemical raw materials, produce plastic materials in Taiwan, and export them worldwide. According to a
report from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Taiwan ranks among the top 10 in global plastic imports and exports. Taiwan accounts for 20% of the total global export
value of general plastic materials such as ABS and SAN, primarily exporting to China and Southeast Asia. Taiwan plays a crucial role in the global petrochemical and plastic industry chain.

The people and environment in Taiwan pay a heavy price for the export of plastic products. To supply water to the petrochemical industry, the government built dams upstream of Taiwan’s
mother river, the Zhuoshui River, disrupting its natural flow and causing a lack of water for agriculture and environmental purposes downstream. The development of the Mailiao
Petrochemical Industrial Park in central Taiwan and the petrochemical industry settlements in Kaohsiung comes at the cost of the safety and health of nearby communities, with frequent
industrial accidents and high risks of diseases such as cancer, making it unbearable for residents in the vicinity. Furthermore, the substantial emissions of greenhouse gasses from the petrochemical industry pose a significant challenge for Taiwan’s path towards net zero.As victims of the petrochemical industry and as global citizens, we support the inclusion of effective measures to reduce global plastic
production in the global plastic treaty. We believe that reducing plastic production at its source is the most effective way to mitigate plastic pollution.

Due to international political factors, Taiwan is forced to be excluded from the negotiations of the global plastic treaty and cannot become a formal party. We believe that Taiwan’s absence in the
government negotiations of the global plastic treaty will lead to a lack of perspectives from the upstream of the value chain. More importantly, if the treaty lacks strong provisions on non-party
countries and trade, important plastic production bases like Taiwan might become loopholes in the treaty. Global plastic production may significantly shift to non-party countries, further impacting
the environment and public health in these countries and undermining the effectiveness of the plastic treaty in reducing global plastic pollution and production.


Therefore, we strongly urge:

  1. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee should allow Taiwan to participate in the future global plastic treaty negotiations as a observer to contribute to the development of a more
    comprehensive treaty.
  2. The global plastic treaty must include clear provisions on trade with non-party countries Through trade clauses, non-party countries should be compelled to adhere to the regulations of the global plastic treaty to engage in plastic trade with parties.

Signed by:

1.Environmental Rights Foundation

2.Taiwan Zero waste Alliance
Xavier,Sun (

3.Changhua Environmental Protection Union

4.Taiwan Association for Human Rights

5.Taixi Village Citizen Power Co., Ltd.
Video: The Sixth Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Plastics Corp (FPC) is about 5 kms away from Taixi Village. The air pollution and harmful substances of the industry drift with the wind. Impacts: heavy metals in urin and  higher cancer rate among residents.

6. Dashe Environment Protection Alliance
Video : The Dashe Petrochemical Industrial Park, that operates very closely to the local community, emits the major pollutants Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which cause high health risks to local residents.

7.Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan

8.Taiwan Watch

9.Green Citizen’s Action Alliance

Contact person: Hsu,Po-Jen (Senior researcher and campaigner of Evironmental Rights Foundation)


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