由日本、韓國、台灣民間組織及其他單位共同主辦之【勞工、環境和亞洲跨國企業——東亞企業與人權國際論壇】於上週末 (2023/11/25-26) 圓滿落幕。會後,民間組織共同呼籲日本、韓國、台灣的跨國企業和政府立刻採取行動、制定企業人權相關法制,終止企業侵權、實現世代永續。共同聲明有中英文兩版,若有出入,請以英文版(參中文後)為主。
人權和環境永續正面臨嚴峻威脅。「三重行星危機 (triple planetary crisis)」 ,包含 氣候變遷、生物多樣性喪失、和環境污染 , 已經對人權、環境和生態帶來毀滅性的後果。威權國家內公民空間的萎縮以及世界各地日益升溫的武裝衝突,如俄羅斯對烏克蘭的軍事侵略和以色列對迦薩的軍事行動,更加劇了對人權與環境永續的威脅。
我們呼籲我們的政府和立法者把握這個機會,立刻制定可行有效且具強制力的人權和環境盡職調查(human rights and environmental due diligence)法。政府和立法者還必須考慮其他企業與人權配套措施,確保人權與環境盡職調查之落實,例如將人權和永續條款納入貿易和投資協定中、或利用公共採購作為誘因等。
Joint Statement
Civil society calls on Japan, Korea, Taiwan’s transnational corporations and governments to urgently take action and adopt BHR legislation to end corporate abuses and achieve sustainability for future generations
Human rights and sustainability are under pressing threat. Devastating human rights, environmental and biodiversity consequences arising from the triple planetary crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution—are upon us. This is compounded by the shrinking civic space in authoritarian states and intensified armed conflicts around the world such as the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and the Israeli military operation against Gaza.
Corporations, with their ever-expanding economic and political influences, have long been one of the key actors causing and contributing to these crises, and they must now play an equally instrumental role to address and solve these burning issues.
Corporations from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan play important roles in global supply chains and bear the responsibility to respect human rights and the environment throughout their operations. However, corporations from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have failed to implement their responsibility by outsourcing human rights and environmental risks in their supply chains. Transnational corporations cause, contribute to and are directly linked to human rights violations and environmental destruction by their operation in host countries but the rights holders are left without any remedy.
We, the undersigned organisations and trade unions, urge corporations from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to prevent and address human rights and environmental risks in their supply chains, especially occuring transnationally. We also urge the governments and lawmakers of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to adopt necessary laws and policies and to hold corporations accountable for their transnational human rights violations and environmental destruction in their home countries. Meanwhile, it is imperative to ensure access to remedies for rights holders in host countries, and decision makers in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan need to take such measures.
The only way for corporations and governments to survive in times of crises is to put people and the planet first rather than profit. We urge corporations and the governments from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to fulfil their responsibility as leaders in Asia by respecting human rights and the environment throughout supply chains.
We call on our governments and lawmakers to seize this opportunity by urgently adopting a mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (mHREDD) law that is feasible and effective. Governments and lawmakers must also consider other BHR-related measures that are complementary and ensure the implementation of human rights and environmental due diligence, such as by incorporating human rights and sustainability provisions in trade and investment agreements, utilising the strength of public procurements, etc.
The time to act is now. We have already witnessed countless environmental and human rights abuses relating to business activities, and this suffering continues to this day. To stop the suffering and to realise human rights for all and achieve sustainability for generations to come, we must act NOW!
To transnational companies,
We call on transnational companies to respect human rights, to implement HREDD based on UNGPs and to advocate for the mainstreaming of mHREDD, utilising their influence to protect victims of human rights abuses and to contribute to the establishment of a level playing field.
To the governments of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,
我們再次呼籲日本、韓國和台灣的政府和立法者緊急制定有效的 mHREDD 立法以及其他措施,以確保落實人權和環境盡職調查。
聯署組織 List of Signatories
台灣跨國企業監察 Taiwan Transnational Corporations Watch (TTNC Watch)
環境權保障基金會 Environmental Rights Foundation
台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights
環境法律人協會 Environmental Jurists Association
人權公約施行監督聯盟 Covenants Watch
韓國跨國公司觀察(KTNC 觀察)
東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心 Chang Fo-chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights
東吳大學人權學程 Human Rights Program, Soochow University
台灣勞工陣線 Taiwan Labor Front
青年九五勞動聯盟 Youth Labor Union 95
台灣勞動者協會 Taiwan Laborers Association
清潔成衣運動東亞聯盟 Clean Clothes Campaign East Asia Coalition